LNA Open Board Seats – Election Information

LNA Elections are to be held annually at the annual LNA meeting. This year the elections have been postponed until the November meeting. The November meeting was changed to November 29th, 2022 at Woody Guthrie Place at 6:30pm. This November meeting change is to take into consideration the Thanksgiving holiday.

Currently, the board has the following openings;

Secretary:The Secretary shall record and maintain minutes of membership and board meetings, assist the Chair with correspondence, and maintain the non‐financial files of the LNA. The Secretary will maintain a list of Board members and their terms. This position shall be up for election in even‐numbered years.

More information on a neighborhood association secretary’s job description may be found HERE.


Five At-Large board seats remain unfilled. Three at-large seats are elected in even numbered years. At-Large board members are voting members whose duties are not fixed, and instead vary depending on the needs of the neighborhood association as directed by the board and general assembly.


Other board member seats up for re-election in even numbered years:
Vice Chair
Public Safety Chair
Transportation Chair

For more information regarding at-large board seats or the secretary board seat please e-mail lentsneighborhood@gmail.com.

If you are interested in running for any of these positions, please fill out THIS FORM here.